What you can eat to lose weight: the basic rules of nutrition

Nowadays, being overweight becomes a problem for a person. Nutritionists say you can lose weight by changing your diet. What can you eat to lose weight and what rules to follow in nutrition?

Rules for eating when losing weight

You can lose weight by choosing the right diet

You can lose weight if you choose the right food. The process should be approached individually.

proper diet for weight loss

Nutritionists recommend the following dietary rules:

  • you need to eat at least 4-5 times a day;
  • All meals should be at the same time every day.
  • clean water should drink at least 1. 5 liters per day;
  • 1/5 of all products per day should be vegetables, fruits;
  • bread must be chosen from wholemeal flour;
  • replace sugar with honey, berries;
  • protein foods should be eaten in the second part of the day;
  • do not eat too much;
  • carbohydrates should be received in the morning;
  • 1/5 of the volume of food should be occupied by dishes with polyunsaturated fats, for example, nuts, fish and other products.

It is necessary to reduce or stop the intake of certain foods:

  • reduce the amount of salt;
  • exclude semi-finished products;
  • refuse soda;
  • remove the chips;
  • canned food;
  • sausages;
  • reduce the amount of sweets, sugar.

Remember that cooking methods matter. It is more useful to cook, steam, bake. Cut down on fried food.

By following the rules of nutrition, you can lose weight

How to eat to lose belly weight

To lose weight, you need to eat right and exercise.

Many women in their figure do not like the stomach. Almost everyone wants the waist to be thinner. Not all diets help solve this problem.

belly slimming diet

Experts believe that you can stick to proper nutrition, add a set of exercises for the press. As a result, the belly disappears and the waist becomes thinner.

Nutritionists recommend introducing fiber to the menu. Why is it so important? Most of the fiber is found in vegetables, fruits, grains, berries.

Fiber creates a feeling of satiety. During processing, fiber, entering the body, naturally removes toxins from it. Fiber, on the one hand, is not digested by the stomach, on the other hand it contains a large number of elements useful for the intestinal microflora. As a result, the extra pounds disappear, the skin becomes lighter, its color improves.

Of the fruits, grapefruit, pear, apple and orange help you lose weight more. Most of the fiber is found in bran, flaxseed, dried mushrooms, dried fruit, whole grains, legumes, wholemeal bread, berries, avocado, sweet fruit.

Products that increase the volume of the waist and abdomen:

  • carbonated drinks;
  • Chips;
  • ready-made semi-finished products, for example, pancakes, dumplings, dumplings;
  • Pizza;
  • Fast food;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • fatty sausages.

If you want to lose weight and have a slim waist, these foods should be avoided.

What drinks can help you lose weight? Green tea is very useful for this. Freshly squeezed juices are essential. You have to stop at the juices of beets, carrots, pumpkins, apples, lemons, oranges.

Beer, wine, soda can damage life.

Nutrition rules for slimming legs

proper nutrition for slimming legs

Slender legs are what a woman wants to have. The question arises: what can you eat to lose weight in your legs? Proper care and exercise are essential. Nutrition in this matter is a very important element. You need to understand what you need to eat so that the legs are slim.

In order for the hips to lose weight, it is necessary to improve metabolism, remove toxins and toxins. A balanced diet can help with this.

Nutritionists recommend the following foods:

  • to fish;
  • buckwheat, rice;
  • fresh fruit;
  • dried fruit;
  • chicken meat;
  • Lamb;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • rye bread, wholemeal;
  • rabbit meat.

You need to remove the sugar, you can replace it with healthier honey. You should abandon fatty meats, white bread, sweets. The number of potatoes should be reduced.

Foods rich in fiber, seafood and lean meats contribute to weight loss in the legs. Salads should be dressed with lemon juice, unrefined oils: olive, sunflower.

To keep your legs slim, you shouldn't eat the following foods:

  • canned food;
  • baking;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • fatty meat;
  • chips;
  • beer.

Such a diet allows not only to slim down the legs, but also to significantly improve the state of health and appearance. If you need to slim down your legs as soon as possible, you should exclude chocolate, spices, pastries.

You can eat fruits: pineapple, grapefruit, apples, apricots, plums, pears. It is permissible to include watermelon and melon in the diet every day, but one portion should be divided into 3 times. Avoid sweet grapes.

Vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, can be eaten in large quantities. But you have to use them boiled, baked or raw. Cabbage, zucchini, peppers, beans, avocados are great for this. Don't include corn and peas on the menu.

Dairy and sour-milk products will be useful for the body.

By adjusting the diet, you can make your legs slimmer.

Meals in the morning

porridge for breakfast for weight loss

Breakfast is very important in the food system. Experts believe that a person who does not eat breakfast gains 3 kg of excess weight per year.

Breakfast should be balanced to provide nutrients and calories to the body. It should be based on complex carbohydrates. Therefore, cereals are best suited for breakfast: buckwheat, oatmeal, cooked in milk or water. Bran, granola, sugar-free are suitable.

Eggs, boiled chicken, steamed cutlets are recommended as breakfast proteins.

Like eating for lunch

vegetable soup for weight loss

For lunch, it is best to have a fresh hot soup.

The calorie content of lunch should be 40-45% of the entire daily menu. The correct dinner is based on weight loss on proteins and carbohydrates.

It should consist of hot dishes, the menu should be as diverse as possible. The best way to start the meal is with a salad. After that, you need to eat hot, it can be soups, meat dishes.

Soups help to maintain the normal figure and saturate the body with useful substances. You can finish your lunch with healthy compotes and juices. Lunch should be varied. The main rule here is not to pass.

Meals in the evening after 6pm

healthy dinner for weight loss

What can you eat after 6pm? In fact, the last time you need to eat before bed is 4 hours. Therefore, you should adjust the dinner time according to the time you fall asleep.

For dinner, you should choose low-fat protein foods, foods containing fiber. It is these products that do not gain weight. It is strictly forbidden to eat foods containing fat and carbohydrates when losing weight in the evening.

As an option for a suitable dinner, low-fat cottage cheese, sour-milk products are suitable. If you really want to eat before bed, you can pour a glass of kefir and add bran. Before use, it is necessary to slightly swell the bran, and then eat it. Such a product will not harm the figure.

You can eat vegetables: cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, peppers, tomato. Berries, any vegetables are perfect. You can cook dishes based on lean fish, seafood. An omelette made without eggs is great.

Food before and after training

how to eat before and after training

The best way to lose weight is considered to be proper nutrition, accompanied by sports training. Sport allows you to burn accumulated fat. Diets are temporary. If you go back to the previous diet, the kilograms will quickly return.

It is not necessary to eat right before training. It is recommended that you plan your meals 1. 5-3 hours before class. If the day begins with sports, you should have breakfast with fruit, vegetable salad.

You should avoid eating grapes, bananas before training. This is explained simply. They have a lot of carbohydrates, they will enter the body and begin to be spent in the first place, but they will not make it to the fat stores. As a result, you will not be able to lose weight. It is best to eat cereals before training: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice.

After exercise, the fat burning process continues. If the training did not take place in the evening, then after 1-2 hours you can eat food that contains protein. Thus, the muscle tissue is restored. For these purposes, chicken meat, fish, seafood, low-fat cottage cheese, scrambled eggs are more suitable. You should eat vegetable salads dressed with olive oil.

It is normal to feel hungry after training. The body has spent a lot of energy and strives to restore it, so it signals a feeling of hunger.

Especially in these cases it helps:

  • 0, 5 l of fat-free kefir;
  • an Apple;
  • compote, fruit drink;
  • water;
  • green tea;
  • cocoa.

These foods will help you curb hunger.

What cannot be eaten

choice between healthy and unhealthy food

To get rid of the extra pounds, you need to make changes to your daily diet. To do this, you should understand which foods you can eat without restrictions and there are those that even in small quantities will lead to weight gain. Portions are often cut down for weight loss, but they don't notice that snacking on high calorie foods only makes the situation worse.

This chart will help determine what should not be consumed when losing weight.


it cannot be consumed

available in limited quantities

dairy products

  • sour cream;
  • cream;
  • Butter;
  • hard cheeses.
  • Yogurt;
  • cottage cheese;
  • ryazhenka.


  • semolina;
  • Rice.
  • Grain;
  • mile;
  • cell.


  • Potato;
  • canned food.


  • Banana;
  • Raisins;
  • grape;
  • at your place.
  • persimmon;
  • plums.


  • alcohol;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • packaged juices.
  • Tender;
  • coffee.

fish meat

  • fatty meats;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty fish;
  • sausage.

Low-fat variety of pork, beef.

bakery products

  • pastries;
  • Pancakes;
  • pasta.
  • bran bread;
  • Rye bread;
  • hard dough.


  • chocolate;
  • candies;
  • cookie.





It is necessary to exclude fat-rich foods from the diet. These include all by-products: liver, heart, kidneys. Cheeses containing more than 40% fat must be eliminated. When losing weight, you should forget about sausages, pates. Fatty fish such as salmon and halibut should also be set aside.

By changing the diet, removing high-calorie foods, you can achieve significant weight loss.

You can lose weight by changing some of your eating habits. Knowing the rules of a balanced diet, eliminating foods that are harmful to the body, you can achieve good results. Proper nutrition should also be remembered by those who have lost weight with the help of any diet. After losing the extra pounds, you can gain them just as easily if you eat the wrong way.

You can learn more about how to lose weight without harm to health from the video.